Medical Cannabis Refugee Creates CBD Infused Bath Bombs To Treat Symptoms [by Jenna Hensley]
Just drop a CBD infused bath salt in the water and relax!
My name is Jenna Hensley and I am the owner and creator of The Cannabomb, a CBD medicated bathbomb. I am a cannabis medical refugee who left my state behind to safely use cannabis as medicine over 5 years ago. I realized for myself that the medications I was being given in Texas were only worsening my conditions. I had access to cannabis in Austin and realized very quickly that I had a secret about it's medicinal properties that my fellow Texans didn't agree with. I knew this meant I had to move to live a better, healthier and more normal life.
Meet the faces behind Cannabomb!
I deal with poly cystic ovarian syndrome as well as ptsd, ibs, depression, anxiety and psoriasis. Cannabis has always been the one substance that has been able to tackle all 6 of these problems, and all at once. Medical cannabis was accepted in my home as a child, because my parents saw first hand how it took me from convulsing to calm in seconds. When your child cannot find a remedy from a doctor, yet an illegal substance can do the trick, you have to relocate to where it is safe to use the substance. I waited until I was old enough to move myself because my parents refused to leave their state. There are thousands of us medical transplants scattered around the country, hundreds of us are from Texas alone. Online and through organizations such as Norml and Cannabis Facebook Groups, we have found a way to stick together and help one another in distance and remote locations. Entire communities have been formed in Oregon, Washington, Cali and Colorado of hundreds of medical cannabis transplants who need access to this plant to have a healthy life. One day I hope we can return to our home state without being penalized for choosing to use a plant made by the earth, instead of a pill made by man. Until that day comes, I will only live in a medical cannabis accepting state and refuse to return home.
Ball of Joy
I have always been a bath taker and a medicinal cannabis smoker, so when I realized that combining the experience of both cannabis into hot water soaking, is a new and alternative route to treating my aliments, the cannabomb was born! I have been steadily crafting and cultivating the medicated soaking experience for nearly 2 years now and have developed a product patients are relying on. When I created the Cannabomb I had no idea what kind of reach and impact it would have on others. This last year of manufacturing, shipping and selling the Cannabombs have resulted in so many conversations with so many people using this product to help with health their problems. The emails and phone calls and Instagram DM's have been my motivation to make sure this product sticks around long term, as it's working and helping people far and wide. Cannabombs has customers in states across the nation with fibromyalgia, ptsd, epilepsy, chrons, lymes, aicardi syndrome, anxiety disorders, damaged nerve diseases... and these people are purchasing regularly and seeing enormous results in their daily lives.
Single Serving of Healing
Knowing that the work I do results in someone feeling better, I really can't say that there is a better feeling on this whole planet. I wake up with purpose today, I have a reason to smile every day for the work I get to do. I truly found my niche in cannabis and I know what I am supposed to do with my life now. I have always known my career would be in legal cannabis work and I knew that I would have a lot of battles to get there, but never giving up my dream to work and help this plant shine - has been the key to get me where I am today. Persistence is everything in this industry. As a young medicinal user, my dreams are actually coming to life. Growing up in Texas and telling people I was going to work with legal cannabis one day as a kid, was a joke to so many people and here I am today actually doing it. I am living my dream and I fight each day to make sure I get the chance to do this work. I really hope any little girl who knows what she wants in life so young, hangs on to it- it's totally achievable. When I was young it was entirely illegal and my friends served a lot of time trying to help our community. I knew very young I had to help stop this system and end this drug war. Cannabis is medicine and to finally see people learning this and embracing it and trying it- it's revolutionary for me as a patient to be able to guide people and help them with their experiences with cannabis.
The Cannabomb is a product to help de-stigmatize the Cannabidiol Compound. A bathbomb is a gentle treat for the skin and is widely known and loved by everyone today (they're all the rage)! So by introducing CBD into the bathbomb, it is our hope that even the most timid first-time-cannabidiol-user will want to try it. CBD is non psychoactive and is very calming for you skin. Combined with Epsom salts, soft natural clays and pharmaceutical grade essential oils - we are providing a full entourage body calming effect. The Cannabomb contains my skin's favorite elements on the earth and after each bath I feel very renewed and restored. I believe it is very possible for people to find alternative and holistic experiences to changing their lives for the better and the healthier. I hope that The Cannabomb becomes a product people look to for help finding peace and calmness, relief and self love
Jenna Hensley, Owner
Cannabombs LLC
Follow @thecannabomb